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Showing 49–60 of 83 results

GESC1240 Buddhism As Lived: Mind, Body and Contemporary Issues

#Shaw College

Dr TONG Sau Lin

Many of us have been brought up thinking that Buddhism, like many religions, is a body of doctrines and beliefs laid down by religious authorities. Such an understanding, however, would render it lifeless and irrelevant to the everyday life of the believers. In fact, the lived experiences of the believers also contribute to the particularities […]

UGEC3214 A Screen of One’s Own: Women and Films

#UGEC Society and Culture

(UGEC3214 is double-coded with GDRS3026.) This course examines the rich tradition of feminist film theory and provides students with an understanding of its main concerns and debates. Topics will include the key semiotic and psychoanalytic approaches of the 1970s-1990s, classic films which have inspired feminist debate, avant-garde cinema, local cinema, independent cinema, and postmodern cinema, […]

UGEC2135 Decolonizing Classical Music

Tuesdays 12:30 p.m. - 02:15 p.m.
Professor LIAO Yvonne

The universal appeal of classical music is masked by a troubled past. It is a complex story of white colonization by European powers, spanning centuries and continents. Classical music has its own colonial baggage, too, with links to slavery profits and other problematic phenomena, whether in the gendered tradition of the “great composers,” or in […]

UGEC2041 History of Women in Modern China

#UGEC Society and Culture

Mondays 02:30 p.m. - 04:15 p.m.
Miss CHEUNG Ching Man

Gender inequalities often stem from distinctions either empirically grounded or socially constructed. “History” is of essential importance in understanding how these inequalities are constructed in different periods and different contexts. This course traces and examines the history of women in China from the late Qing period to the present. Discover and analyze the sex roles, […]

UGEC2033 Challenges of World Population

#UGEC Society and Culture

Fridays 02:30 p.m. — 05:15p.m.
Professor TONG Yuying

This course provides an overview of the key challenges of the world population [in the 21st century]. For example, aging or overpopulation in urban cities, environmental degradation, food and water resource crisis, large-scale voluntary and involuntary migration, and spread of communicable disease. A key goal of the course is to map out the linkages between […]

UGEC3224 Family and Society

#UGEC Society and Culture

Thursdays 03:30 p.m. - 05:15 p.m.
Professor TAM Siu Mi Maria

(UGEC3224 is double-coded with GDRS3009.) This course examines issues revolving the family as a social institution in different cultures. It explores processes of how the family is constructed in different forms as it intersects with various social systems including kinship, marriage, class, ethnicity, religion, and political economy. Particular attention is paid to how family as […]

UGEC3225 Gender Biases in Education and the Workplace

#UGEC Society and Culture

(UGEC3225 is double-coded with GDRS3024.) Educational and occupational accomplishments vary dramatically among individuals and profoundly affect lives. Importantly, gender is among the powerful individual characteristics that affect people’s experiences in educational and work settings. Gender shapes youths’ experience and outcomes of education across the globe and across history. This course is designed to introduce to […]

UGED1235 Intellectual History of Modern China

#UGED Self and Humanity

This course aims to provide an opportunity for students to understand the intellectual history of China from the late Qing dynasty to contemporary China. It will discuss the impact of Western ideologies on Chinese culture, as well as evaluate how they influenced Chinese intellectuals and modern Chinese society. This course integrates SDGs by discussing how […]

GESC2060 Debating Globalization

#Shaw College

Fridays 03:30 p.m. – 05:15 p.m.
Dr. LEE King Wa

Through a combination of experiential learning activities and web-based delivery, this course aims at expose students to a number of intense debates surrounding globalization such as free trade, global culture, national sovereignty, the question of multinational corporations and labour rights and the anti-globalization movement. The objective is to build basic knowledge of the opposing views […]

GESH2011 S-L:Bringing Knowledge to Life

Fridays 02:30 p.m. - 04:15 p.m.
Dr SHIK Wai Yan Angela and Miss FUNG Wing Yan

For students entering Year 2 or above, this course intends to offer students the fundamental concepts of service-learning – an approach in which students could utilise their academic knowledge and skills to address community needs. Throughout the course, students would be equipped with the essential skill set and mindset to prepare for their upcoming service-learning […]

UGEC3928 Language Disorders

#UGEC Society and Culture

(UGEC3928 is double-coded with LING3208.) This survey course introduces non-clinical students to fundamental concepts of language disorders in paediatric and adult populations. Characteristics of primary language impairment, aphasia, dysarthria, and hearing impairments, as well as articulation, fluency, and voice and other related disorders affecting language are among the topics to be discussed. Diagnostic techniques and […]

UGEA2180 Chinese Culture and Society

#UGEA Chinese Cultural Heritage

Wednesdays 01:30 p.m. - 03:15 p.m.

(UGEA2180 is double-coded with ANTH2410.) This course provides an anthropological approach to examining Chinese culture and society. Some of the key questions we raise include: What does it mean to be Chinese? What role does culture play in being Chinese, and what constitutes Chinese society? Our emphasis is on the dominant cultural practices of societies […]