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GENA 1117 S-L: Service Learning – Creating a Better World through Diversity and Inclusion

Course Description

To support the development of Hong Kong as an international innovation and technology hub, and foster new growth drivers and new strengths, the Chief Executive has announced in the 2022 Policy Address to step up the promotion of STEAM education in primary and secondary schools. It is important to better equip our students with 21st century competencies, unleash their potentials and nurture future I&T talents for Hong Kong, thereby enhancing Hong Kong’s international competitiveness.

“Service Learning – Integrating and Applying STEAM Skills in the Community” encourages students to illustrate and teach STEAM concepts and theories to secondary students. Motivating students to supervise and join their secondary students to promote and practise STEAM concepts with primary students through organizing workshop, project learning, thematic learning, as well as designs and inventions. The STEAM concepts include basic principles and concepts in science, programming, AI, etc. The course also aims to integrate service and learning experiences through community service activities. It seeks to cultivate students’ leadership skills, and to foster their self-awareness and empathy towards others and the community at large. In addition, the programme also emphasizes reflection on the quality of leadership that demonstrates while providing service, with the particular focus on intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies.

SDG goals “Quality Education” and “Partnerships for the Goals” will be achieved to strive for a better and more sustainable future for all. The course seeks to provide quality education to the primary and secondary school students by offering learning tools to develop their potential in order to grow into productive adults. It also encourages effective partnerships between University, secondary, and primary school students and nurtures their experience on collaboration and management of resources.

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:


1. Connect their service-learning activities and experiences with the academic content of the subject;


2. Apply basic scientific and critical thinking principles to teach and demonstrate STEAM concepts in a service setting;


3. Initiate and implement a community service project;


4. Acquire and apply the relevant knowledge to project development, implementation and evaluation;


5. Integrate the service learning experiences with specified perspectives and theories learnt from their own disciplines;


6. Have reflection on personal development in relation to their service learning experiences.


Sustainable Development Goals