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GESC2060 Debating Globalization


Lecture: Fridays 03:30 p.m. – 05:15 p.m.


Dr. LEE King Wa

Course Description

Through a combination of experiential learning activities and web-based delivery, this course aims at expose students to a number of intense debates surrounding globalization such as free trade, global culture, national sovereignty, the question of multinational corporations and labour rights and the anti-globalization movement. The objective is to build basic knowledge of the opposing views on globalization, their political and ideological bases, and implications for political and personal actions. Specifically, the course will analyse and evaluate selected globalization debates under the framework of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through the experiential learning activities built in the course, we aim at helping students develop the sensitivity and competences necessary for global readiness and to articulate their personal positions on a sustainable future.

Learning Outcome

  1. To recognize the key concepts, theories and issues surrounding the debates of globalization.
  2. To interpret and discuss the relevance to and impacts of globalization on everyday life experiences.
  3. To analyse and evaluate selected globalization debates under the framework of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  4. To demonstrate personal learning experience through activities in the context of globalization in daily life.
  5. To demonstrate the mastery of skills in information collection, retrieval and analysis, as well as the use of such information in the analysis of concrete situations of everyday life experience.
  6. To articulate and defend an individual position on key debates issues arising from globalization and engage in a dialogue with and appreciation of College visions and missions pertaining to the relationship between individual students and community concerns.


3 -credits

Sustainable Development Goals

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