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可持續發展目標論壇系列 2.0 – 沒有紅樹和珊瑚的世界?──海洋保育之道

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講者:李成業教授、崔佩怡博士、Serag Heiba同學
主持:梁美儀教授(香港中文大學 大學通識教育主任)
日期:22 / 04 / 2021 (Thu)
時間:7 – 9 p.m.
本講將透過 ZOOM 舉行,連結將於收集報名後附上。


紅樹林生態系統在不同方面為人類福祉作出貢獻:它不僅能抵禦自然災害和氣候變化的衝擊,也能確保糧食安全,為當地居民提供生計。此外,紅樹林亦是大量海洋和森林物種的棲息地,對維繫食物網的穩定尤其重要。值得注意的是,珊瑚礁的健康和面積,有賴沿海紅樹林的支持:沒有因紅樹林而來豐富的海洋生態,珊瑚礁無法生存。但在過去一個世紀,由於沿海地區的發展、氣候變化和農業的影響,全球67% 的紅樹林已經消失。所謂唇亡齒寒,珊瑚的健康和棲息的範圍同樣受損。

在這次可持續發展目標論壇中,我們將集中討論可持續發展目標14 ── 「保護和可持續利用海洋和海洋資源以促進可持續發展」的願景和執行方法,並邀請了紅樹林和珊瑚礁生態系統專家,跟我們分享如何保育、復育和以可持續方式管理這些寶貴的資源。

李成業教授將以香港、中國和全球的例子,展示紅樹林生態系統面臨的各種威脅如何影響沿海社區的生態,以及有哪些復原方法。崔佩怡博士將與我們分享她與研究團隊的工作,特別在恢復和保育香港珊瑚方面的努力。近年,崔博士的研究團隊首次在實驗室中成功培養幼體珊瑚,有望修復香港的珊瑚群。Serag Heiba是香港中文大學的國際生,他將探討這些全球議題和實現可持續發展目標上,個人可扮演的角色,他亦會分享自己在ThinkOcean等青年環境組織合作中所獲取的經驗與教訓。


Professor Shing Yip (Joe) Lee is the Director of the Simon F.S. Li Marine Science Laboratory and Director of the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He completed a Ph.D. on the Mai Po Marshes during the tenure of the inaugural John Swire Scholarship in Wetland Ecology at The University of Hong Kong. After a short period as a Croucher Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Wales, he taught at HKU for 8 years before moving to Griffith University, Australia. Joe joined CUHK in 2017. He is a Chartered Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, and has been the chair of the IUCN Mangrove Specialist Group since its establishment in 2014. He has published more than 200 papers on various aspects of coastal marine science, with a focus on the ecology and carbon dynamics of mangrove ecosystems.

Dr. Apple Chui obtained her M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees in Environmental Science and Biology programs from CUHK. She has been with the School of Life Sciences as a lecturer for 5 years before becoming a research assistant professor in 2021. She is a PEW marine fellow. Her research addresses two main questions: How will projected future climate change affect corals that are currently present in marginal coral environments like Hong Kong? And can coral chimerism be used as a tool to enhance the resilience of corals, and hence be used as one of the strategies for active coral restoration in the future. Apart from research, Dr. Chui has been actively engaged in public outreach and education activities on marine and coral conservation in Hong Kong. In 2019, she officially launched an outreach programme “Coral Academy”, to raise student and public’s awareness and inspire action in marine conservation through various workshops.

Serag Heiba is a second year undergraduate student studying Energy and Environmental Engineering at CUHK. As an Egyptian, his upbringing showed him the connection between a healthy environment and social justice. He now serves as the Hong Kong coordinator for a youth environmental organization named ThinkOcean and leads its CUHK chapter with the aim of raising environmental awareness on and off campus, advocating for sustainability through policy and other initiatives, and providing a platform for youth to become leaders who drive change in the 21st century.

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