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Showing 61–72 of 83 results

UGEB3630 Exploring the Enigmatic Oceans

Thursdays 12:30 p.m. - 02:15 p.m.
Professor CHUI Pui Yi

This course aims to provide an overview of the oceans and the roles of natural and anthropogenic impacts on shaping the physical and biological aspects of the oceans. The main themes of the course include the ocean processes, the marine ecosystems and their inhabitants, and the relationships between oceans and mankind. Emphasis will be placed […]

UGEC 2858 Animals and Society : A philosophical approach

Tuesdays 10:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Dr. KWOK Pak Nin

This course examines the social issues of animal from the philosophical perspectives. What are the key differences humans and other animals? Is it ethical to raise and slaughter animals for food, conduct tests on, and buying or keeping animals as pets? How ought one to respond to unethical laws on animals? What are the social […]

UGEB1870 Exploring Earth and Environmental Sciences

#UGEB Nature Science and Technology

Mondays 02:30 - 04:15 p.m.
Dr. AU-YEUNG Yee Man, Dr. TAM Pui Yuk, Professor Benoit THIBODEAU, Professor CHAN Man Nin, Professor LIU Lin, Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos, Professor TAM Chi Yung Francis, Professor TAN Yen Joe, Professor TSUI Tsz Ki Martin, Professor YANG Hongfeng

(UGEB1870 is double-coded with EESC1001.) The course provides an interdisciplinary study of the Earth Systems, including natural phenomena in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere. The mechanism of these systems, associated dynamics and anthropogenic impacts will be introduced and discussed. The course also serves as a platform to understand and critically assess global environmental […]

UGEB2640 Perspectives in Meteorology

#UGEB Nature Science and Technology

Fridays 02:30 - 05:15 p.m.
Professor LEUNG Wing Mo, Professor LI Ping Wah

An introduction to meteorological phenomena and mechanisms. This course aims at a non-mathematical exposition of the central ideas of meteorological study. The interaction between the weather, climate and human activities will also be discussed, including how the extreme weather and climate information could be used in adaptation, mitigation, and sustainability research and applications. Topics include […]

UGEC 3893 Introduction to Global Sociology

Thursdays 02:30 a.m. - 05:15 p.m.
Professor SUN Jin

This course introduces undergraduate students to the knowledge world of global and transnational sociology, and the sociology of law, globalization and global governance, in which it will offer a guided entry into the complex ideas and writings of the sociological, political and legal scholars. The concepts they developed to analyze law, society and global governance […]

UGEC2171 Sustainable Development

Mondays 04:30 p.m. - 06:15 p.m.
Professor LU Xingcheng

(UGEC2171 is double-coded with GRMD2401.) Sustainable development is a global vision for the future. This approach to development should not only generate economic growth, but also distribute its benefits equitably, regenerate the environment rather than destroy it, as well as empower people rather than marginalize them. The UN 2030 Agenda came into effect in 2015 […]

UGEC3228 Public Policy and Social Minorities in Hong Kong

#UGEC Society and Culture

Mondays 10:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Dr. CHO Man Kit

(UGEC3228 is double-coded with GDRS3008.) This course examines the social construction of minorities and the history of Hong Kong public policy towards them, including legal changes, social institutions, immigration policy, and political mobilization. Current debates in public policies such as anti-discrimination legislation, education policies of ethnic minorities, disciplining of youth and anti-poverty scheme will also […]

GESH2011 Service learning: Bringing Knowledge to Life

This course is in line with GE’s goals and objectives in terms of a balanced education, intellectual development and promotion of civic-mindedness. In particular, this course provides experiential learning experiences for students to develop essential skillsets and mindsets, including problem-solving, critical thinking and resilience, for future challenges in life and work through their service. Additionally, […]

GESH 2012 S-L:Action towards Personhood

Friday 02:30 p.m. - 05:15 p.m.

This course intends to integrate their academic knowledge and skills to address community needs in collaboration with local community partners. Applying the fundamental skillset and mindset equipped in GESH2011, students would implement their service-learning project in local communities. Through a series of self-initiated service, self-reflection, and project presentations, students would consolidate their insights and experience […]

UGEA2334 China Today

#UGEA Chinese Cultural Heritage

Fridays 02:30 - 04:15 p.m.

China is looming large on the global scene and our everyday life. It is a rising power that is changing the world order. It is a land of promising opportunities that attract an immense amount of capital and talents from overseas. Not to mention that a large part of the stuff we consume is produced […]

UGEB2360 Wonders & Insights in Biology

Tuesdays 02:30 p.m. - 04:15 p.m.
Dr. SIOW Lam

Biology is the study of life. Complex life is built from some molecules that slowly evolved into diverse living organisms, which then interact with the environment to form ecosystems and finally shape the biosphere where we all live in. Studies of the biological world allow us to understand more on how life has evolved and […]

UGEB2871 Climate Change and Extreme Weather

#UGEB Nature Science and Technology

Mondays 11:30 a.m. - 02:15 p.m.
Dr. AU-YEUNG Yee Man, Professor CHAN Chung Leung Johnny

This course covers various issues related to climate and climate change, such as how it is related to our lives, our changing climate in the past, sea level rise, impacts of stratospheric ozone hole and global warming, El Niño events and disastrous climate extremes, tropical cyclones, and our responses to climate change. This course intends […]