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可持續發展目標論壇系列 2.0 – 消費?消廢?——再思負責任消費與生產

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主持:梁美儀教授(香港中文大學 大學通識教育主任)
日期:11 / 06 / 2021 (Fri)
時間:7 – 9 p.m.
本講將透過 ZOOM 舉行,連結將於收集報名後附上。



廢物棄置問題的源頭在於無止境的消費。今次可持續發展目標論壇將集中討論可持續發展目標12 ── 「採用可持續的消費和生產模式」。推廣可持續的消費和生產模式,不單是解決即棄塑膠問題,更重要的是讓我們反思整個消費和生產過程,認識地球資源有限,不可能滿足人類無限需求。

是次講座中,胡嘉明教授將探討全球各地有關責任消費的政策實驗、企業行動計劃和行動主義者發起的活動,並討論香港如何從中借鏡。本地非牟利組織「低碳想創坊」的聯合創辦人及行政總裁莊陳有先生則介紹如何透過社群培育及發展,推動應對氣候變化,實行可持續的低碳生活,並重點解說香港年青人在發展零碳經濟中的角色。本地初創企業「The Loops家居回收」的創辦人黃靖羲先生則會與我們剖析本地回收行業的前景,當中包括環保與現實之間的兩難境地。他亦會分享全球公民在促進可持續發展上應負的責任。


Prof. WU Ka Ming is Associate Professor, and Director of the Master Program in Intercultural Studies, in the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She was a visiting fellow, and now a life member, of Clare Hall, Cambridge University. Trained as a cultural anthropologist, she has taken up extensive ethnographic research to examine the cultural politics of state and society, waste, and most recently, gender and nationalism in contemporary China. Her academic papers have been published in high impact journals including Journal of Asian Studies, Modern China, Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Studies, The China Journal, Cities, Urban Geography, Ethnology, and China Perspectives.

Her recent teaching joins the field of environmental humanities, with course titles of “Living in the Anthropocene: Nature, Culture and Power” and “Introduction to Environmental Humanities: Debates in China.” Her research graduate seminar “Thing Theory” examines cutting-edge theories of new materialism, science and technology, objects and non-human to encourage students to conduct inter-disciplinary research beyond conventional humanities. Her book Feiping Shenghuo: Lajichang De Jingji, Shequn Yu Kongjian (CUHK 2016) (Living with Waste: Economies, Communities and Spaces of Waste Collectors in China) has a great impact on the public discussion of waste and has been covered by major media, such as the Guardian and Mingpao Hong Kong. Thinking waste a lot, she is starting a new research project on the ecological consequence of takeout phenomenon in China.

Mr. CHONG Chan Yau is the Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of CarbonCare InnoLab and a member of the Board of Directors of CarbonCare Asia Limited. Mr. Chong is a graduate from the University of Hong Kong in 1981. He obtained a Master’s degree in Information Systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science in 1985. He served in the Hong Kong Government as an Administrative Officer. He also served as an Executive Director of Oxfam Hong Kong and a member of the Board of Director.

Mr. Jorch WONG is the founder of The Loops Hong Kong, a local one-stop recycling start-up that offers door-to-door recycling service to residential and commercial users. Jorch obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication at Hong Kong Shue Yan University in 2019 and continued his career in the advertising industry after his graduation. As the recycling rate in Hong Kong has reached historical low in the past decade, Jorch found the need to make a change to the city. In 2020 spring, at the age of 24, he established The Loops with the dedication to increase local recycling rate by acting as a missing link between recycling plants and citizens, and promoting a self-sustained closed-loop recycling system in Hong Kong. Jorch is also keen to change public stereotypes to traditional recycling with his background in media and advertisement training. The Loops has now gained a solid base of users and recently launched partnership with global brand, such as Procter & Gamble and Watsons HK, together accelerating the change and bettering our city.

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Co-organized by Office of University General Education, CUHK and SDSN Hong Kong