Showing 25–36 of 83 results
UGED2622 Political Violence and Human Rights
(UGED2622 is double-coded with ANTH2530.) This course examines the pervasiveness of violence from an anthropological and comparative perspective. We consider a wide range of phenomena that can be called violence within diverse historical and cultural contexts. Violence is always political – whether it is manifest in the spectacular practices of torture, terrorism, or genocide, or […]
UGEB2132A Earth as Seen From Space
Climate change, sea level rise, deforestation, forest fire, severe typhoon, glacier melt, agricultural loss, overpopulation, etc. are terms that you might have heard of. And they are also real and hot crises affecting the sustainability of human beings. How do we know these are all happening? In fact, our earth is being overseen from space […]
UGEB2151 China’s Mega-Projects in the New Millennium
As the most populous country in the world, China is confronted by the problems of overpopulation, water scarcity, energy shortage, desertification, drought, floods, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Since 1978 the economy has grown rapidly and as of to date, it has become a rising economic power of the world. However, the environmental and ecological […]
UGEB2161 Resource Issues in the Age of Globalization
Globalization processes have been affecting every nook and corner of the world. We are all fascinated by the mushrooming of transnational companies; the increasing cross-boundary flows of resources as well as the increasing competition among places and cities. Resource becomes a keen issue due to the growth of population, trade and economy in the age […]
UGEB2113 Nature Conservation in Hong Kong
This course aims at providing students with an overall view on nature conservation in general and Hong Kong in particular. The concepts and principles of nature conservation will be addressed from a holistic point of view, followed by an investigation of nature conservation practices and their effect on the environment in Hong Kong. The latter […]
UGEC2354 Global Sustainability
(UGEC2354 is double-coded with GLSD2401.) The course introduces the concept of human carrying capacity in the globe. The capacity symbolizes the balance between population size and environmental resources ––the underlying foundation for sustainable development. In history, it is shown that the human carrying capacity was periodically shrunk by climate deterioration and human-induced environmental degradation, resulting […]
UGEC2171 Sustainable Development
(UGEC2171 is double-coded with GRMD2401.) Sustainable development is a global vision for the future. This approach to development should not only generate economic growth, but also distribute its benefits equitably, regenerate the environment rather than destroy it, as well as empower people rather than marginalize them. The UN 2030 Agenda came into effect in 2015 […]
UGEB2240 Natural Wonders of the World
For many of us, the natural wonders of our planet are well known, for example, Antarctica, the Amazon Forests, the Great Barrier Reef and the Grand Canyon. Yet, few people really understand their formation and presence. This course introduces students to the concepts and processes of environmental change, such as climate change, land use change, […]
UGEC2916 Understanding Urban Agriculture
Urban space is often perceived as space for industrial and commercial activities. In a deindustrialized city like Hong Kong, people seem to identify urban space with consumption activities. However, following recent social movements related to agriculture in Choi Yuen Village and Northeast New Territories New Development Area, concerns are growing in Hong Kong over the […]
UGEC2950 Environmental Crises and Cultures of Survival
This course pays attention to the environment and its relation with human experiences. Through the lens of environment, we bring human diversity into presence, examining ways of life of peoples—from Indonesia highlander to Tokyo urbanites—and their words and deeds to tackle crises of planetary scale—climate change, nuclear disaster, air pollution, waste, deforestation. Facing these crises, […]
UGEC2210 Food and Hunger
Food is essential for life by providing energy and nutrition and achieving zero hunger is one of 17 Sustainable Development Goals in the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Ironically, world hunger is increasing and FAO’s most recent estimates put the number of hungry people at 822 million in 2018-19, an increase of more […]
UGEC3204 Living Feminisms
Living Feminisms is all about how to put feminism into practice. Specifically, it is concerned with living out feminist consciousness in every step of making fundamental and lasting social change. With this in mind, Living Feminisms is not an exposition of feminist theories per se but an exploration of how social change effort would look […]