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[可持續發展目標論壇系列] 多元與共融— 性小眾群體權利在香港及亞洲的發展

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• 孫耀東教授
• 邱銘諾先生
• 李亦豪律師
• 戴沛權教授


「可持續發展目標論壇系列 2023-24」由香港中文大學大學通識教育部 及 聯合國可持續發展解決方案網絡香港地區分會合辦

SDG Forum Series (2023/24)
Session 6
Topic: “Overcoming Challenges to Diversity and Inclusion – The Development of Sexual Minority Rights in Hong Kong and Asia”
Date: 9 July 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 19:00 – 20:30 p.m. (GMT+8, HKT)
Venue: LT4, 2/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK
• Professor SUEN Yiu Tung, Associate Professor of Gender Studies, Associate Professor of Public Health and Primary Care (by courtesy), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
• Mr Jerome YAU, Chief Executive, AIDS Concern; Co- Founder of Hong Kong Marriage Equality
• Mr Henry LI, Litigation Lawyer; Executive Committee Member of the Hong Kong Gay and Lesbian Attorneys (HKGALA) Network, Hong Kong LGBT+ Attorneys Network
• Professor Amos TAI, Associate Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme; Director of Earth System Science Programme; Faculty of Science Associate Director of Office of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
*Forum will be conducted in Cantonese. Free admission, all are welcome.
*In-person or online participation. Limited seats on a first-come-first-served basis.

Online registration: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13690332
Enquiry: sdg-ouge@cuhk.edu.hk

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Forum Series 2023–24 is co-organized by Office of University General Education, CUHK and the Hong Kong Chapter of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN Hong Kong).

這次論壇與多項可持續發展目標相關,包括SDG 5(性別平等)、SDG 10(減少不平等)和SDG 16(和平、正義與強大機構)。

Brief Description
Creating a more equitable and inclusive society is crucial in achieving Sustainable development. This forum will look into the critical issues faced by sexual minorities with examples from Hong Kong and Asia. Professor SUEN Yiu Tung will talk about the rights of sexual minority groups in Hong Kong with a focus on marriage equality, in a comparative context with examples from various countries in Asia. Mr Jerome YAU will share his views on marriage equality at the individual and social justice levels, and how improved justice could enhance the well-being of the sexual minority population. Mr Henry LI will share his experience as a prominent figure involved in related court cases.

This forum is highly relevant to several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities), SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong institutions).

講者簡介 About the Speakers

他的研究關注性傾向和性別認同相關法律與政策(及其缺失)對LGBT+群體及整個社會的影響。除了在學術領域廣泛發表成果外,他的研究也具有極高的影響力。在學術圈之外,他曾擔任聯合國開發計劃署(UNDP)和國際勞工組織(ILO)的顧問,並為上述兩所機構撰寫報告。他亦為亞洲開發銀行(ADB)的研究提供建議。在本地,他領導了香港平等機會委員會有史以來最大規模的委託研究項目。他現為香港衛生署之香港愛滋病顧問局的委員,並曾任關懷愛滋的顧問及前副主席。他經常向政策制定者、商界領袖、律師、醫療專業人士和服務提供者等各界人士發表演講, 亦與商業、法律、酒店業、時裝等多個行業合作。此外,他的研究成果也受AFP、BBC、彭博社、金融時報、紐約時報、路透社、時代雜誌和華盛頓郵報等國際媒體採訪報導。

Professor SUEN Yiu Tung is an Associate Professor of Gender Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he also serves as an Associate Professor of Public Health and Primary Care (by courtesy). He received the Young Researcher Award (2020) of CUHK, and Exemplary Teaching Award in the Faculty of Social Sciences (2022) of CUHK.

His research concerns the impact of sexual orientation and gender identity related laws and policies (and the lack thereof) on the lives of LGBT+ people themselves and the wider society. Besides publishing widely across many fields in academia, his research is known for being highly impactful. Outside academia, he has been a consultant and written reports for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), and advised the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for their research. Locally, he led the largest-scale research in Hong Kong Equal Opportunities Commission’s history of commissioned research. He is an appointed member of the Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS of the Department of Health of the HKSAR Government. He is the Advisor and Past Vice-Chairperson of AIDS Concern Hong Kong. He frequently addresses a wide range of audiences including policy makers, business leaders, lawyers, healthcare professionals, and service providers. He has also been working with a variety of sectors as diverse as business, law, hospitality, fashion and more. Moreover, he has been interviewed by international media outlets such as the AFP, BBC, Bloomberg, Financial Times, New York Times, Reuters, TIME Magazine, Washington Post, and many others for his research.

邱銘諾先生現為關懷愛滋的行政總監,也是香港婚姻平權協會共同發起人。他擁有豐富的經驗,多年來在非牟利和教育行業擔任行政及非行政職位,從事溝通、策劃、政策研究和公共事務。他致力於社會正義並促進 LGBTQ+ 健康和包容性。他相信使用積極的敘事可推動變革。他擁有與不同持份者合作的豐富經驗。他致力於通過積極和以證據為基礎的做法來提高人們的福祉。

Mr Jerome YAU is the Chief Executive of AIDS Concern and the Co-Founder of Hong Kong Marriage Equality. He has extensive experience in executive and non-executive positions in the non-profit and education sectors, specializing in communication, strategic engagement, policy research and public affairs. He is dedicated to social justice and promoting LGBTQ+ health and inclusion. He believes strongly in using positive narratives to mobilize for change. Furthermore, he has extensive experience working with a diverse range of stakeholders. He is dedicated to enhancing people’s well-being through affirmative and evidence-based practices.


Mr Henry LI is a Litigation Lawyer and an Executive Committee Member of the Hong Kong Gay and Lesbian Attorneys (HKGALA) Network, Hong Kong LGBT+ Attorneys Network. He – together with his deceased husband Edgar Ng – filed three judicial reviews to challenge the unequal treatment by the government of same-sex married couples in terms of public housing, inheritance and after-death arrangements.

主持簡介 About the Moderator


Professor Amos TAI is an Associate Professor in Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme and Director of Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, CUHK, also serving concurrently as the Associate Director of Office of University General Education. Amos obtained his B.Sc. from MIT, Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering from Harvard, and was a Croucher Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT before he joined CUHK in 2013. His research focuses on atmospheric chemistry and physics, ecoclimatology, and sustainable agriculture and forestry. Amos is also a passionate educator, having received the prestigious CUHK Vice-Chancellor Exemplary Teaching Award and Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award. Amos delights in promoting science, environmental and sustainability education for the general public, regularly giving talks in schools and public avenues and participating in many TV and radio programs. He has provided professional consulting services to various government departments, and currently serves as a Board Governor of Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong).