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UGEC2703 Youth Problem in Modern Society

Course Description

This course explores some of the major issues concerning the role of the youth and the problems confronting them in modern society. The nature of the conventional wisdom of the “youth problem” is critically examined, with the help of concepts and theories in sociology and related fields. By the end of the course, students are expected to gain more understanding of the nature of the phenomenon of problematization of youth, and to look beyond common sense or public perception on current social issues related to the youth in modern society. More importantly, youth problems can jeopardize the sustainable development of youth. [For example, education inequality (SDG4 Quality Education) and inadequate school-to-work transition (SDG8 Decent Work and Economic Growth) could impact on youth poverty (SDG1 No Poverty) as a result.] A broader and deeper understanding of various facets of problematization can inform how youth should be empowered to attain sustainable development in modern society.

Learning Outcome

  • Students will be able to capture the extent of youth problem in modern society.
  • Students will be able to gain a more intellectual understanding of the nature and possible causes of youth problems.
  • Students will be able to critically evaluate the public perception of social issues relating to the youth.
  • Student will be able to reflect on their life experiences as members of a younger population and their challenges of sustainable development in modern society.


2 -credits

Sustainable Development Goals

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